IIW 37 Session Notes
Tuesday October 10, 2023
Session 1
1A/ WIGG Identity Credentials Inro + Scope / Tim Cappalli
1B/IIW 101 - Intro to OpenID Connect / Michael Jones
1C/ AI & Copyright (for everyone)!!!! / Wenjing Chu
1D/ Identity - proofing users in federated systems / Jacob Siebach
1E/ “Selling to Enterprises” (sales) / Kapildev Arul Mozhi
1G Introduction to KERI (Key Event Receipt Infrastructure) / Nuttawut Kongsuwan
1H/ A Personal Digital Agent Standard / Adrian Gropper
1K/ Best Practices for Recovery from Private Key Compromise? / Johannes Ernst
1L/ DID Comm 101 and Q&A / Sam Curren
1M/ Answers to “The Four Horsemen of SSI” (Jeremy Grant Presso) / Timothy Ruff
Session 2
2B/ IIW 101 User Managed Access (UMA) Get to know this unique “application of OAuth” / Eve Maler
2C/ The Android & Web Identity API - Proposals / Lee Campbell and Sam Goto
2D/ Oauth First Party (native) Apps / Jeff Corrigan
2F/ did:webs for Muggles / Markus Sabadello & Lance Byrd
2K/Grounding Identity in Truth / Shane Oren
2L/ DIF Credential Trust Establishment - Practical Governance / Sam Curren
2M/ BC Gov $100K Con - Bring AnonCreds to W3C VC Format / Stephen Curran
Session 3
3A/ Open Wallet Update + Call for Projects / Tracy Kuhrt & Daniel Bachenheimer / Lucy Yang & Kaliya
3B/ IIW 101 - User Managed Access (UMA) Get to know this unique “application of OAuth” / Eve Maler
3C/ The Android & Web Identity API - Proposals / Lee Campbell and Sam Goto
3D/ Oauth First Party (native) Apps / Jeff Corrigan
3F/ did:webs for Muggles / Markus Sabadello & Lance Byrd
3K/ Grounding Identity in Truth / Shane Oren
3L/ DIF Credential Trust Establishment - Practical Governance / Sam Curren
3M/ BCGov Offers $CDN100k: Adding Support for W3C Format VCs to AnonCreds v1.0/ Stephen Curran
Session 4
4A/ Introduction to Trust Over IP Foundation ToIP / Judith Fleenor - ED
4B/ IIW 101 - Web AuthN / John Bradley
4C/ Credential vs Wallet Selection / Samuel Goto & Tim Capalli (sp?)
4E/ How Are You Solving for the UX Challenges of Self Sovereign Identity? / Gabriel Chartier
4F/ SOLID / Doc Searles & Hadrian Zbarcea
4G/ Privacy as Alignment of Expectations / Joe Andrieu
4H/ Speed Proof of Concept - Can we solve a problem in an hour? / Kyle Peacock
4J/ did:PLC: 1,000,000 uses app / Aaron Goldman
4K/ KERI for dummies / Timothy Ruff
4L/ Externalized Authorization / Omri Gazitt
4N/ Memory-Based Private Keys! Enforcing Entropy Using AI!!! OMG! / Matthew Vogel
Session 5
5A/ ToIP Trust Spanning Protocol for Muggles / Drummond Reed, Wenjing Chu, Sam Smith
5B/ IIW 101 - SSI (Self Sovereign Identity) / Nuttawut Kongsuwan & Catherine Nabbala
5D/ Federated Authentication Network / Day Waterberry
5F/ AuthZ Conference / Sarah C
5G/ Improving the W3C CCG DID Method Registry / Martin
5H/ JSON-LD BBC+VC with Holder Binding & Pseudonyms
5I/ WIMSE - Workload Identity in Multi-System Environments / Justin R
5K/ Building Test Suites / Ben Goering
5L HACKATHONS! did:Hack Decentralized ID Foundation - Learn more, get involved Get Hacking / Limari
5M/ Secure Issuance for Government Credentials / Paul Bastian, Torsten Lodderstat
5N/ Identity + Peer Production / Brent Shambaugh
Wednesday October 11, 2023
Session 6
6A/ BIP32 and You (Fido Row Signatures / John Bradley
6C/ People don’t want a digital identity: ….. / Adrian Gropper
6E/ Philosophy: The code behind the code. / Samuel G Hutchens
6F/ GLEIF’s experience with the vLEI Ecosystem Governance Framework: Lessons Learned / Karla McKenna
6G/ Human OS - Functional / Modality Challenges - Real World / Digital World / Jeff Orgle
6I/ Philosophical Foundations of Identity / Bruce Conrad
6K/ Dying w/ Dignity - A consent driven dead man’s switch for online services / Dean Saxe
Session 7
7A/ Wallet Security & IETF Attestation-based Client Authentication / Paul ? and Markus ?
7B/ State of Idm Policy Interop / Gerry Gabel and Phil Windley
7C/ Trust Spanning Protocol (TSP) Deeper Dive / Wenjing Chu, Sam Smith, Drummond Reed
7F/ Standards-Based Digital Credentials Flavors Explained / Kaliya Young and Lucy Yang
7G/ VCs over Ceramic / Golda Valez and James Pham and Aaron Goldman
7H/ Create Your Own did:webs / Markus Sabadello and Lance Bryd
7K/ The Synchronic Web / Thien-Nam Dinh
7L/ Verifiable Government / Timothy Ruff
7M/ Online Travel ssi + data privacy - Dif + ToIP TF Sig Work / Neil Thompson
Session 8
8A/ US Healthcare on Trial: Decentralized Identity Use Case Assessment Frame / Sophia Goeppinger
8B/ (IETF) Status List & Revocation Mechanisms / Christian Bormann + Paul Bastian
8C/ Blockchain - Free Proof of Humanity / Brad DeGraf Noonao
8D/ Serverless, Data baseless, Programmable, Smart Wallets (PICOS) / Phil Windley
8F/ 0zero - AuthN in Seconds - Removing Manual OIDC Config / Dick Hardt
8G/ Experiments with JSON-LD payloads secured by JWS vs Data Integrity / Markus ?
8H/ World Coin - Its Privacy Impacts / Shin’ichiro Matsuo, BGIN
8I/ What Should DIF (Decentralized Identity Foundation) do for interop? / Brent Shambaugh
8L/ Augmenting OID4VC with DIDComm / Sam Curren
8M/ UX for Privacy - Questions NOT Answers / Alan Karp
8N/ Aries Bifold & APP Attestation / Jason Leach, Clecio Varjao
Session 9
9A/ Making the Internet AGE Aware / Iain Corby
9B/ Converging OID 4 VC Profiles / Torsten Loddersted, Kristina Yasuda & Harmen Van Der Kooij
9C/ Abbreviated Language for Authorization / Mark Berg & David Brossard
9D/ KERiSSE.org - Learn Keri! / Henk Van Cann
9E/ Targeted Log OUT / Aaron Parecki
9F/ Browser API Wallet Query Lang / Sam Gogo
9G/ Should Governments be involved in VC ecosystems? / Naoki Yagita and Rintaro Okamoto
9H/ Secure Organizational Identity / Lance Byrd & Rodo & Alex Andrei
9I/ Confidential DiD’s - Solve Decentralized Key Management and Universal Zero-Trust / Manu Fontaine
9J/ Experiments with DIDs & DHTs / Gabe Cohen & Daniel Buchner
9K/ OIX Roaming Between Trust Frameworks / Mark Haine
9L/ Using DIDComm to protect files in cloud storage / Steve McCown
9M/ IEEE 7012 - Personal Terms and Conditions / Daniel Hardman
Session 10
10A/International Interoperability Summit - Paris Next Month / Gail Hodges + Mark Hodges
10B/ Sustainable Privacy Re-Identification Attacks / Sam Smith
10D/ Identity is a Graph Problem / Alex Babeanu
10E/ IDP Discovery thru Wallets / Aaron Parecki
10G/ AnonCreds V2: BBS+, more ZKPs, (perhaps) PQ and CODE!!/ Stephen Curran
10H/ Universal Wallet Backup Containers / Sam Curren
10I/ P3Sub (Push-Pull-Publish-Subscribe) a new protocol / Johannes Ernst
10K/ Identity Governance - Who? What? How? / Wendy Seltzer
10L/ Minimum Interoperability Profile for ACR (authentication context) / Pam Dingle
Thursday October 12, 2023
Session 11
11A/ Stitching Together a Web Wallet - What’s there & What’s missing / Neils Flensted
11B/ Selective Disclosure is Useless - we have receipts / Timothy Ruff and Sam Smith
11G/ BUBBLES? Federation in disadvantaged and disconnected environments / Justin Richer
11I/ VC ‘render Method’ displaying & rendering verifiable credentials / Dmitri Zagidulin / DCC
11L/ Bhutan: National ID and SSI / Ethan Veneklasen + Drummond Reed
Session 12
12B/ The SR-71 Could Not Fly without me / Britt Blazer
12C/ TOPAZ - Demo / Omri Gazitt
12E/ Philosophy of the Crowds - Moral construction in the age of Internet Identity / Thien-Nam
12F/ eIDAS 2 Status & AMA / Paul & Torsten
12G/ Transaction Tokens Authorization for Multi-workload environments / George Fletcher
12I/ University “Intro to Digital Identity” / Jo Windley
12K/ Composable P2P Identity Components on Holochain (no a blockchain) / Arthur Brock
12L/ DIDATA - Decentralized Intelligent Decision and Trust Agent / Matthew Hailstone
12M/ DID Method Enumeration micro-spec / Sam Curren
Session 13
13A/ Conceptual History of Society + Identity / Haro
13B/ ACDC (Authentic Chained Data Containers) for Muggles/ Drummond Reed and Sam Smith
13C/ What does Presentation Exchange do? …and which parts of it do we actually need? / Mike Jones
13F/ 21st Century Voters Here to Save the Day / Spener Shirman, Britt Blaser
13G/ Key-Based Auth Convox + Convergence / Day Waterbury, Duke Jones, Fan
13H/ Low Code a Path to Adoption / Jesus Torres
13I/ Did.web Improvements Challenges / Dmitri Zagidulin
13L/ Identity STORIES / Erica Connell
Session 14
14A/ CLAIM-BOUND VCs - no keyinding? Matching by biometric / names / Paul and Torsten
14B/ Authentic data is the real sh** NOT digital identity / Sophia Goeppinger, Timothy Ruff
14D/ PLAN Pico Labs Affiliate Network picolab.github.io/PLAN / Bruce Conrad
14E/ InterSubjectivity Open Discussion / Will Abramson
14F/ Authorization Exchange AuthZEN / Allan and Gerry
14H/ Demoscene Dark Matter - Identity Digital Subculture / Andre Kudra
14I/ Human Rights impact of Digital Identity Protocols / Adrian Gropper
14K/ Consumer Apps in Decentralized Identity / Matt Murray
14L/ Identity through IOT deploying aca-py on balena cloud / Patrick St-Louis
14M/ Did:peer:4 A Document in the DID + Demo / Daniel Bloom
Session 15
15B/ TOKEN BUckets / Justin Richer
15C/ POST-CAPITALIST Funding & Governance / Kay Waterbery and others
15F/ Demo decentralized identity use case assessment framework US healthcare / Sophia Goeppinger
15G/ Biometric Holder Binding - The Good Bad Ugly / Dan Bachenheimer
15H/ Real - IT Party Frontal Guerrilla Rebellion ? Jeff Orgel
15I/ KiRA - Key Infrastructure with Remote Attestation (confidential computing) Manu Fontaine